Get Involved

The first and most important thing that we understand about a project of this size is that we will not be able to do it alone. We need you!

There are several ways that you can help with getting this project off the ground.

Support the project

We are still in the process of setting up our nonprofit in the States and so we are not yet able to accept donations towards the orphanage project, however we hope to have that process finished in late summer. If you wish make a commitment to help out financially with a specific area please let us know! The more funds we have committed towards each area the faster this project with become a reality.

Here are a few of the areas that we will be needed funding for in the near future. As we firm up estimates of these costs we will update this page with more specific information.

-Organization set up expenses, both on the American and the Ethiopian side

-Design and construction of the Children’s Village

-Land Acquisition Costs (The land will be donated by the government, however there are processing costs to finalize the acquisition)

-A vehicle for child transportation

-The onsite medical clinic

-Child Sponsorships for individual children in our program

Support our family

Our family is supported through the donations from friends and family who believe in the work that we do and the project we are starting. The total commitments we have are still short from meeting our monthly expenses, we ask that you consider helping us out. Drop us an email and let us know if you want to help our family with our monthly costs while we set up this orphanage. Levibenkert(at)gmail(dot)com


During the coming months, while getting this project off the ground we will be continually posting on the website here of different things you can pray for along the way. We ask that you take up this challenge together with us to see this project through and pray with us for its success as it unfolds. We fully expect that there will be obstacles and roadblocks along the way that are seemingly insurmountable, its only through the faithfulness of God that we will get from where we are today to the place where children are being rescued and given homes.

Spread the word

Lastly, we ask you one huge favor! Will you help spread the word, help us let as many people know about this project as you can. Its only with the support of a movement of people who are passionate about seeing orphans given a future will this project ever become a reality. Will you talk all about and the orphanage project on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere you meet with friends? These orphans need you to spread the word!

You can also join the cause on Facebook! Click here to join the cause.

One response to “Get Involved

  • Kimberly

    It is so good to read that you are moving forward. Is the chicken farm still in the plan?
    Sending hugs to each of you and continuing to keep you in my prayers,

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